tox automation

tox automates and standardizes testing in Python. It is great because it will test many different python versions on Windows and Linux (CPython-2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, Jython, pypy, etc.). For python code aiming to support python 2 and 3 on Windows and Linux it is an excellent approach.

My workflow is to develop on Windows, run tox there and when satisfied, push to GitHub which automatically runs Travis CI on Linux (i.e. Travis CI runs different versions of python on Linux machines). This approach verifies python 2 and 3 on Windows and Linux.

If not already intalled, then install tox with pip install tox or perhaps sudo apt-get install python-tox on Linux.

pip is likely already on you system, however, if not see pip Installation

On Linux

On Linux a simple tox.ini file should work such as:

# content of: tox.ini , put in same dir as
envlist = py26,py27
deps=pytest       # install pytest in the venvs
commands=py.test  # or 'nosetests' or ...

On Windows

On Windows 8 I had more fiddling around to do, but still had good luck with the following tox.ini file:

# content of: tox.ini , put in same dir as
envlist = py27,py34
setenv =
    PYTHONPATH = C:\python34
    PATH = C:\python34;C:\python34\Scripts

deps=pytest       # PYPI package providing py.test
commands=py.test  # or 'nosetests' or ...

# python25 may not work... ONLY worked on virtual XP machine (so far)






